Author Guidelines
The Journal is not accepting any more submissions for this year 2022 volume, authors may submit their article on for next year volume.
If you don't see 'New Submission' link in your panel (user Home) after login, then you need to update your profile (select Author option). See detailed instructions at (link opens in new window/tab)
The Authors need to submit a single file containing all the details as described below. The supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file. A cover letter and graphical abstract should be submitted along with manuscript as details provided below.
Cover letter
Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in "Comments for Editor' box.
Graphical Abstract
Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. The guidelines for graphical abstract preparation and submission are available on this link.
Manuscript should include  Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, conclusion, experimental procedures in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. The references should be cited as superscript contineous serial number place after the punctuations. References should be formatted as shown for journal articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5
1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.
2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995.
3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010.
4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002, Vol. 2, pp 1–95.
5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.
Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors can use free Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for ISP journals):
Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 style file: ISP Journals CSL style file
Endnote style file: ISP Journals Endnote style file
        click to download and then open in respective program (the user can see the respective program user guide on how to use the style file).
References must be cited using Mendeley program (or Endnote from clarivate), detailed information about using Mendeley for insertion of references in manuscript is provided onÂ
SubmissionAuthors need to submit all manuscripts through journal website. Register by following link 'Register' above (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find 'new submission' link in your panel page.
For review purpose, author can submit the manuscript as outlined above. However, Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template (provided below) as it progress towards acceptance. On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template).
On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).
Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript in the article template provided below.
MS-Word 2007-2010 template
JIST Manuscript template 2007-2013Â (click to download from Google Drive - link opens in new tab/window)
See the video provided on for instructions to format the article in template properly.
Login and submit the manuscript online (submission by email are not accepted). Only online submissions are accepted now.
Journal Issues/Articles Frequency
Journal publishes two issues per year volume.
Issues have been published regularly. The articles are published on 'As we go' process, means as soon article become publishable (after reviewing+copyediting+layout+galley proofing), it is published and assigned to ongoing/current issue.