Studies on adsorption of toxic chemicals on carbons
Filtration systems containing impregnated carbons have been used for the removal of persistent as well as non persistent chemical warfare agents from the contaminated air in order to provide breathable air to the user. Non persistent chemical warfare agents are removed by filtration systems by means of chemical reactions, however, persistent chemical warfare agents are removed by mainly physical adsorption. Once the life of filtration is consumed, its disposal and handling becomes more important and raises concerns over safety. There shall be cross contamination due to desorption when it is disposed off improperly after its use. To overcome these problems a suitable carbon with the efficient capability to take part in in situ degradation of physisorbed toxic chemicals becomes indispensible. To meet this requirement, a study was undertaken to develop suitable reactive carbon for in situ degradation of sulphur mustard when used in nuclear, biological, and chemical filtration systems.Â
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