Isolation and screening of thermophilic lignolytic bacterial strains for lignin degrading enzymes
In the present investigation, total twenty two thermophilic lignolytic bacterial cultures were isolated from various sources using Nutrient Agar (NA) and Minimal Salt Medium (MSM) medium with Lignin Alkali (1.0 g/L) by incubating at pH 7 and 50°C for 48 hrs. These isolates were characterized by special reference to their ability towards wide temperature, pH resilience and generation of thermophilic enzymes. For the screening and studying lignin degrading potential, these microbes were grown on MSM agar plates with Methylene Blue dye (0.25g/L). After the incubation time of 48 hrs, these plates were observed for clear (halo) zones form around the streaked strain. Only 5 strains were showing such clear (halo) zones which indicates their potential for degrading lignin. These screened isolates were then used for further experimental work.Â
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