Constructing assessment tool for Juvenile Delinquents in India to assess the efficacy of Interventions based on life skills

Annie Khanam Singh, Subhasis Bhadra


Mental health of juvenile delinquents has always been a cause of concern of various government agencies. In accordance to the statistics by National Crime Records Bureau (2014), the Indian scenario reflects a constant rise in the trends of occurrence of juvenile crime from 2.08% in 2011to 2.58% in 2013-14 of total cognizable crime. Enormous literature supports the growing fame and evidence for the role of life skills in the development of psychosocial competencies among younger generation (UNICEF, 2016). Life skills education works as a structured programme of needs- and outcomes, based on participatory experiential learning, which primarily aims to assist an individual to develop and simultaneously practice psychosocial skills that decrease risk factors and increase protective factors in life (UNICEF, 2016). Type here brief abstract of your work giving overview of work and limit the text to 200 words. This paper focusses on problems of juvenile delinquents in observation homes. It aims at designing a tool to assess the improvement in life skills of juvenile delinquents. The assessment has been conducted in a pre-post intervention method with 60 inmates of 12-16 years. The tool -has been designed to assess ten generic life skills, considering the problems of delinquent children in the observation homes, their past and future.


Juvenile Delinquency, Observation Homes, Life Skills Education

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