Role of Family Environment in Developing Self Efficacy of Adolescents

Suruchi Mishra, Vinod Kumar Shanwal


The traditional Indian family system is undergoing a considerable change from its value orientation to living standards, pattern and interactions. Family is a central unit of the society where the basic needs of children are fulfilled.  The family has an important role in development of different aspects of a person, particularly the virtues resulting from experiences gained during the process of socialization. The present study investigates the role of family environment in developing self efficacy, also called as perceived ability of adolescents. As India has the largest population of adolescents, so their contribution in giving it a new shape would be prominent.  The samples of 130 respondents with the age range of 13-18 (average age of 14.91) were evaluated in this study to investigate the relationship between family environment and self efficacy. The results showed positive association between family environment and self efficacy.

Key Words: Family environment, self efficacy, adolescent.



Family environment, self efficacy, adolescent

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