There is no publication charges for publication of articles in IAST.
IAST Open Access Fees
For authors who wish to publish their article as Open Access article:
Publishing with open access is not without costs. IAST provide option to publish with open access or articles (instead of subscription based) believing that immediate, world-wide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles is in the best interests of the scientific community.
Open Access Publication fees are used to pay for several expenses:
- Manuscript handling from submission to publication
- Electronic composition and production
- Server and website update and maintenance
- Electronic archiving
- Administrative expenses and other overheads
Dissertation and Thesis Publication Fees
There is a standard publication fee for the different levels of study (BSc, MSc/MPhil, M.Tech, or PhD/DPhil) of USD 165.00 or INR 4200/-.